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Email Marketing in 2020

18 June 2020Blog

Remember Email? Of course you do, you’re still using it. We all are. Billions upon billions of people use email as a major channel of communication for reasons including ; personal, legal, commercial, industrial and more!

99% of consumers use email every single day

Source: HubSpot

Which brings us to the subject of Email Marketing. In this article we’ll go over ways in which it has evolved and how to utilize an effective email marketing strategy using personalization and more!

First thing is first

Segmented Lists

And to fully utilize personalization within your email campaigns, let’s talk about segmentation. The cool thing about this is that segmentation allows you to personalize the content of your emails. Think of it as grouping your customers by given attributes and even past behaviors.

Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue

Source: Hubspot

You’ll find that this process helps you send out targeted emails that resonate specifically with them on an individual basis. Segmenting your existing data can take your customer loyalty and personalization strategy to new heights, which brings us to…


This definitely isn’t something new for 2020 but personalization in Email is only growing which means it should be high on your priority list. Remember, blasting out autonomous emails by the batch won’t cut it in today’s digital age. If you’re looking for high engagement rates, utilize personalization.

Personalized email marketing is very beneficial, with a generation of median ROI of 122%

Source: Vyper

Customizing your greetings and subject lines to match individual names will go out a long way. Another way to personalize is by using the customers purchase history. This gives you precise information about the interests of your consumer and how you should be approaching your emails.

Make it personal

And yes, you’ve guessed it. Your brand cannot manually send out these emails to customers. Automation is key in today’s current scenario. Sending the right email to the right customer is crucial.

Don’t forget to A/B test your emails ( More: A/B testing for Video Marketing). The thing about an email is, it requires just one element to be changed in order to see a better response rate. For example, leave the content of your email the same, but spice up the subject line, you’ll be surprised what you find!

Don’t forget mobile

We’re all on our phones, sometimes a little too much let’s be honest. Which means if you’re trying to run a successful Email campaign, you need to consider mobile devices and make it part of your strategy.

Up to 60% of email opens are on mobile, depending on the industry

Source: Campaign Monitor

And because of this neat statistic means that the mobile trend is here to stay. So how does this apply to your Email campaigns? Easy. Focus on creating a responsive design that will adapt to a mobile screen. This is critical and choosing an email platform that will help you create these adaptive designs could make or break your strategy. Don’t forget to send yourself a few test emails before going Live.

Customers want to hear from you

People tend to associate email marketing with spam. I know that I did before I got into the field myself. But the truth is, there’s nothing spammy about marketing with email as long as you put actual effort and soul into it.

59% of consumers say that email marketing influences their purchasing decisions

Source: HubSpot

There is no magical number as to how and when you should be sending out emails to your base but quality does make a difference. That’s why I put such an emphasis on segmentation. You shouldn’t be busting out the same emails to everyone in your customer database. There’s a reason target audience exists.

Video in Email

There’s a reason why successful businesses utilize video in their marketing campaigns. It simply works. Why not put that same strategy into email?

An initial email with a video receives a CTR increase of 96%

Source: WordStream

Video form is often used to convey a message that’s difficult to get across using standard text, this is why everybody prefers it. It’s easy to digest and it keeps your audience attention focused ( See also: Grab Attention with Video).

78% of marketers using video say that it increases ROI

Source: Wyzowl

It’s effective and when applying it to your email marketing campaign, you turn a powerful strategy into an unstoppable one. The thing is, not every email provider is equipped for this great medium. That’s why you need to adapt. How? Easy. Set up a landing page with a magnificent call-to-action.

Call-to-action but mean it!

Your email subscribers, you want them to complete an action within your goal correct? Make your thumbnail image grab their attention and take them to the wonderful landing page that you’ve created. This is an effective practice and it’s one of the main reasons you should be utilizing video. There’s a lot of other ways to do it as well ( here are some ways: 7 Ways to Use Video to Increase Conversion Rates )

Speaking of Video

It’s easy for me to talk about video content and the advantages of implementing it within your business strategy. It’s easy because I have hands on experience with how you can get started with creating your own content as well. The the thing is, most starting business often stray away from video production because of the costs involved and lack of time. Luckily for you, Videommerce is an intuitive all-in-one platform to help you get started in ways you didn’t know you could before.

It’s true!

The best part is that it’s free to start. Equipped with hundreds of templates to choose from, whatever industry you’re in we’ve got you covered.

90% of users say that videos help them make a purchase decision

Source: HubSpot

In today’s competitive state, you’d be silly to neglect video as part of your business strategy. Get your inner creative juices going with a platform that’s here to help you create quality video content in minutes!

Make it Interactive

Sometimes you’ll need something more to help you stand out as a brand. Video has got you covered in most cases, but what if you need to go the extra mile? This is where interactive content comes in to the rescue. So things like polls, quizzes and even surveys being directly embedded into an email goes a long way.

81% of businesses say that email drives customer acquisition, and 80% for retention

Source: Emarsys

Think of it this way. When you open an email, are you looking forward to reading a drawn out essay on why you should use somebodies product? No, you’re probably looking forward to answering a few questions with a nicely designed poll or survey.

Using interactive content is also crucial for marketers when gathering customer feedback. Construct a proper link that’s easy to get to, that way you’ll get more customers to write a review of your brand on their favorite platform.

What it comes down to…

Email shouldn’t be taken for granted and should continue to be your primary channel for communicating with your customers. Listen to your customers, adapt but do it with heart and creativity. Remember that less is more. Don’t send more emails, send emails that are high quality and engaging.

Running a powerful Email Marketing strategy is not going to be an easy task, but nobody said it would be. Luckily for you, with personalization the process get’s somewhat more easier to digest. Making the a connection with your customer goes a long way and in some cases, cuts your workload in half. Make use of that.

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