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Video in 2020

Video in 2020

3 July 2020Blog

This article will be a little different. In the sense that, let’s just discuss video and how it’s holding up in this interesting year. I know that’s an understatement but with everything that’s going on, let’s try to focus on the positive. And the positive is, video and it’s impact on digital marketing everywhere.

70% of businesses report that they’re creating more videos now compared to last year

Source: Animoto

Video has risen to the top and has been crowned the supreme king of engaging content. Within the last few months, businesses have been forced to revamp their strategies due to the global event that took place, and is still in fact taking place.

Video reigns supreme!

Let’s go over why Video is trending and the impact that’s it’s having in 2020. This is a great chance to catch up and revolutionize your entire digital marketing strategy if you’re still behind.

So why are brands sticking to video now more than ever?

Then and Now

To fully appreciate the impact video content has had on our lives, it’s great to start from the beginning. It’s easy to take something for granted if you don’t know it’s backstory.

For example, not even a decade ago, video was seen as expensive and a luxury to many up and coming businesses. That’s not the case today. It’s far more affordable today with companies doing their part to give you the tools to create stunning videos. It’s accessible and it’s become a crucial key component of every marketers strategy.

By 2020, the number of videos crossing the Internet per second will approach 1 million

Source: Social Media Week

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The truth is, there are more people connected to the internet than ever before. Affordable mobile device prices have skyrocketed overall video engagement within the last 10 years. It’s safe to say that today, video is here to stay and it’s definitely the future as well.


We can also replace transparency with the word authenticity. People today are fed up with sales pitches and robotic brands. There’s a longing for human connection and video helps to provide that. It’st he digital age and consumers are demanding an authentic experience, which means the content you create matters.

The real you!

While today’s social media influencers are looked up to for their “ideal” content and lifestyle, most aware people see it as unattainable and something they can’t really relate to. This is a big part of why viewers are more inclined to appreciate a brand with an authentic mindset.

54% of all people want marketers to put out more video content

Source: HubSpot

The cool part is, video is a spectacular tool to help businesses big or small, accomplish that. Building customer loyalty goes a long way as marketers have found and video helps you get your foot int he door.

Less is definitely more

In this context, we can also say that being more authentic means dishing out less for video production. You’re far more likely to gather an audience without the need of a fancy green screen or lighting equipment. A down-to-earth approach is often taken for granted and it’s something to consider.

Whatever your brand image says about you, make the experience authentic and video is a great way to help you get that across!

Easy-to-use Video Tools

I said it before and I’ll say it again. You don’t need to be a prospering business to start creating quality video content. Not in 2020 and that’s really good news for startups! (See also : Startup: Using Video for Success). Most people these days find it overwhelming but I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be.

21% of marketers who don’t currently use video say it’s because they don’t know where to start.

Source: Wyzowl

This is where Videommerce comes in. An all-in-one video creating platform to help you strengthen your digital marketing strategy. Upload your own movies and edit them to your satisfaction or create from scratch! The thing is, it’s completely free to start and you’ve got nothing to lose. Don’t take my word for it, check out the video below showcasing some of the things you’ll be able to do with this neat platform.

Videomerce FREE to Start!

Dont’ worry, we’ve got hundreds of templates to choose from if you don’t have any ideas of how to get started. I have a feeling that once you start messing around with this platform, you’ll unearth the inner creator in you, get started now…NOW!

Video Marketing Funnel

So we’ve determined an important aspect. Don’t neglect video. Further more, how does video integrate within your marketing funnel? Now that’s an easy answer.

Video is no longer treated as something that’s a bonus, this is something you need to understand. It’s a must have. It’s time to use various videos at different stages ( Find out more: Video Sales Funnel Success) of your funnel while at the same time attaining to all of your favorite social media channels as well! This will create a far more memorable and enjoyable experience for your customers.

Lets improve your Video Marketing Funnel!

Videos help with overall brand awareness, this helps drive traffic to your website. Videos help with the nurturing stage as well ( E-mail campaigns etc). Ultimately, Video helps to convert customers. This is the impact it has on every stage of the sales funnel, I go over that in the article above.

It just works

From B2B to B2C points of view, videos are superb and effective at providing your audience with information ( that they’ll retain) and creating strong relationships.

Videos attach 300% more traffic and help to nurture leads

Source: MarketingSherpa

Creating videos just for your social media channels isn’t enough anymore. Apply each stage of the marketing tunnel to your video marketing plan in order to stay in the game.

Now or never

If you’re looking to dominate your industry in 2020, you’ll integrate video within your marketing strategy right away. It’s essential to stay up to date on the latest video trends ( Check out: Top 9 Digital Marketing Trends for 2020) and provide your audience with original and quality content!

By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017

Source: Cisco

The demand for video content is increasing. This year proved that tenfold. As a marketing tool, it’s a must have. Don’t miss out of the video pie in today’s overwhelming market. In the end, for most businesses looking to propser, it comes down to ROI ( Check out: Video and ROI. A Match Made in Heaven). And if we look at the numbers, integrating a quality video strategy within your marketing plan is a sure way to increase those numbers.

This is a general run down of the impact video has on your brand. It’s not slowing down, and you shouldn’t either. Invest in video, today it’s far more affordable and accessible, so what are you waiting for?

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