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Top 9 digital marketing trends

Top 9 Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

23 April 2020Blog

I’ve compiled a list of the top 9 digital marketing trends that I think you should be paying attention to. Why 9? Why not!? Let us begin.

Programmatic Advertising

You’ve probably already had some experience with this form of advertising. Using AI to automate ad buying, with the end goal being so that you can target a more specific audience.

The example we’ll use for 2020’s latest trend is – Real-time bidding. It’s newer form of ad buying and this type of automation turns out is far more efficient ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and lower customer acquisition costs!

In case you’re wondering how this works, here’s a step by step process of the…process.

  1. Your visitor clicks on a website
  2. The current publisher of the page puts up the ad impression for auction
  3. The advertiser ready to bid the most for the impression wins the right to show their ad
  4. The ad marketplace holds an auction between the advertisers fighting for the impression
  5. The ad is delivered to the potential customer
  6. The customer clicks on the ad and the advertiser converts them into a “sale”, profits

Things are going to get interesting in 2020.

Interactive Content

Ah, my favorite topic. One of the fastest growing digital marketing trends yet…Interactive content. Dynamic, engaging content that provides the viewer with a unique and immersive experience.

93% marketers rate interactive content as effective at educating the buyer

Source: Designhill

Stats show, Interactive content is simply more memorable and engaging. It’s the type of content your business might need to grow your brand in the right direction. I’ve written a whole article about how interactive content grows your ROI, check it out here!

Tools to ease the journey…

Interactive content might seem intimidating at first, right? It seems expensive and time consuming. Keyword, SEEMS. Luckily for you, we’ve got the all-in-one platform to help you get started. Videommerce gives you the tools to start creating professional and stunning videos, with ability to make them interactive. That’s right! The best part is, the starting package is completely free, you’ve got no excuses. Start. Creating and sign up now.

Here’s a small taste

Remember, interactive content could be the medium you need to set yourself apart, and grab the rest of that pie.


Ah yes, Chatbots. If you haven’t been caught up with what they’re all about, I wrote a piece about that here (Automation: Chatbots!)

Make no doubt about it, Chatbots will continue to make a positive impression and be an important part of digital marketing in 2020. Using AI technology to bring instant messaging to chat in a 24/7 cycle to your site visitors.

85 percent of all customer service interactions by the year 2020

Source: Inc.

Today, for most everyday issues, people prefer interacting with chatbots as they’re available whenever you need them. They’re reliable when it comes to information, and definitely don’t lose their patience. The cool thing about chatbots is, they’re always evolving which means your questions will be answered quicker allowing you to focus on more important stuff to grow your brand.

Chances have it, you’ve already interacted with a chatbot and you had a positive experience. We’ll see how this trend continues going into 2021.


The market is being bombarded with information from every corner and it’s your duty to find a unique way to approach that very fact. The need to stand out is more important than ever right now.

61% of consumers felt more positive about a brand when its marketing was personalized. Furthermore, the same survey found that consumers were 53% more likely to purchase when a brand personalizes digital communication 

Source: Ipsos Observer

The power of personalization is real and it’d be wise to utilize it for your brand. Making your audience feel unique and not just like a number helps you humanize your brand. There are many examples of personalized marketing and for this case, we’ll use email campaigns.

Through personalization, marketers can create and send individual emails to a specific group with certain needs. In turn, you get a better understanding of an audience, which is key to increasing the relevancy of email content.

There are many advantages of personalized marketing for both businesses and consumers ( see also : How does personalization affect your video marketing strategy for the better? ) and it’s time you implement that to your business strategy in 2020 because it’s definitely not going to slow down for 2021.

Video Marketing

The importance of video marketing is often taken for granted. Simply put, video marketing is THE MOST important marketing trend today.

81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool — up from 63% over the last year

Source: Hotspot

And don’t fall into the mindset that it’s only YouTube that’s getting all the attention. There are numerous ways to drive higher engagement with your video marketing strategy including the use of LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. Even Twitter!

92% of users watching video on mobile will share it with others

Source: Wordstream

Another cool thing about video marketing is that it’s incredibly easy to reformat your content. What this means is, a simple video you’ve just uploaded onto Facebook can be turned into multiple content ideas.

  • Turn your video into text version
  • Reupload with subtitles for better rankings on YouTube
  • Export the audio and use it as part of a podcast
  • Use video thumbnails in your email campaigns to increase open rates

97% of marketers say video has helped users gain a better understanding of their products and services

Source: Hubspot

Video marketing is an essential part of your arsenal, don’t take it for granted. There are many ways to implement video, I’m just giving you a short version here. Here’s an article dedicated to utilizing video.

Social Media Stories

There was an interesting evolution to this marketing plan. First Snapchap came out with their stories and soon Instagram took over and so on. The benefits of stories has reached new heights. The first one being increased brand awareness. People simply watch and engage in stories, and it’s the perfect marketing tool to use to provide that exposure. Naturally, this increases traffic towards your web page. Adding mentions and links to your stories pushes you to the next level and provides an infinite amount of potential as far as ROI goes.

5G Technology

Without a shadow of a doubt, 5g is one of the most significant digital marketing trends of this year. The incoming 5g technology is already causing a ruckus. Sources say, 5g will enable a fully-mobile and connected society, taking our technological potential to the next level. Check out a more in-depth look here .

But 5G is not a replacement for 4G. It simply adds another layer to our network to provide you with a faster, smoother and better mobile experience.

Source: EE

5G uses higher radio frequencies that aren’t currently being used. What this means is that it will support more devices simultaneously. Manufacturing plants and factories will use this new technology to process larger amounts of data which in turn will lead to more automation and ultimately transforming the way our data is being processed. Cool!

Long-Form Content

According to recent studies, in 2020 shorter posts simply won’t get as much attention. Yup, I’m as surprised as you are considering our attention spans seem to be withering away. Turns out, posts that are at LEAST 3,000 words attract the most traffic. So if you see some paragraphs that repeat themselves in THIS article, you’ll know why.

Truthfully speaking, long-form content lets content creators establish themselves as an expert to a given topic, at the same time more range for targeting keywords.

To break it down, here’s a few reasons why long-form content is taking over.

  • The more content available for your viewers to consume, the more time they’ll spend doing so.
  • Backlinks and social media shares. These things get shared all the time, especially among today’s influencers.
  • Blog traffic. Great content is untouchable, which means it’s value doesn’t diminish over time.


You read that correctly. This isn’t something out of blade runner or the matrix but it’s not too far off. Truth is, the technology involving a link between our minds and a network of data is advancing quickly and may soon become a tool for marketers.

It’s coming…

What is it? It’s a strategy that uses the person’s brain activity connected with their nervous system to determine which types of content they find attractive and engaging.

There are many companies tackling this new digital marketing idea and one of them is engineer, technological entrepreneur Elon Musk. That’s right, his company Neuralink are making huge strides in that very direction. I’ve written a whole piece about this Linking our brains.

Truth is, the richest consumer data resides in the brain and companies are doing everything in their power to better understand that, even if it means fiddling with our gentle brains.

Digital Marketing in 2020 is exciting

Whoa, that’s a lot of information to take in right? You can trust me when I tell you that there are a lot more than just 9 trends in 2020 but these are just the ones that caught my attention, and hopefully yours as well. Changes are coming and there’s no way around that. For anyone in the digital marketing field, change is a huge part of the job. Adapting to it is an art form. So remember to embrace new technologies, tools to stay ahead of the pack!

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