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YouTube and B2B Marketing Tips

5 June 2020Blog

Maintaining a business takes some serious work, if you want it to succeed of course. Part of a well developed business is a well maintained video marketing strategy. Which leads me to my next question, how’s your video marketing strategy? Could be better, right? That’s why I’m here.

Today’s article will focus on taking your YouTube marketing to the next level. YouTube has had a reputation of being everyone’s source for funny, time-consuming videos for years, which is a reason a lot of businesses never included it as part of their marketing strategy. It’s 2020 and a lot has evolved.

YouTube replaced Facebook as the #1 platform that affects consumer behavior

Source: Animoto

Let that sink in for a moment. Today more and more brands are realizing the true power of YouTube. Let’s see how you can apply a proper video marketing strategy for your business through YouTube.

Why use YouTube for B2B?

It’s not that complicated honestly. YouTube is huge and it’s audience is wide. There are almost 2 billion YouTube users and that number is only growing. If you stay consistent and active with your YouTube campaigns, you’ll reach your target audience and at the same time open the door to reaching a larger audience.

Over 1.9 billion people use YouTube. That’s about one-third of the internet

Source: YouTube

With that, comes the opportunity to strengthen your brand ( Check out: Beefing up your Brand Awareness ) as a whole. Because videos connect on an emotional level that text can’t. you’ll be engaging with users far more effectively.

YouTube is no longer just for cat videos

All of you SEO enthusiasts out there, this one’s for you. Did you know that Google includes videos within their search results? This means the chance to boost your search rankings by utilizing YouTube. That’s not something you want to take for granted.

A short lesson on Video

Before we go any further, I’d like to take this time to help you understand why video has become the single most powerful tool in your marketing strategy.

93% of marketers use video

Source: SingleGrain

The demand for video content is only increasing. Video is effective, engaging and most importantly, it helps you improve brand trust. How? Well Video helps you get the message across in an interactive way.

85% of consumers want to see more video content from brands.

Source: HubSpot

With advances in technology, humans are looking for a more human experience. With Video you can humanize your company. It eliminates the barrier between being just another anonymous company. Video puts a face to a name and company, which is what most viewers are looking for.

It’s versatile an easy to digest. Video is here to serve a purpose and a lot of businesses are using it to drive sales and more importantly, grow their ROI ( Check this out: Use Interactive Video to Grow ROI and Drive Sales ). That’s what you’re looking for right?

How to get started

Ok good, we got that out of the way. Now let’s take this time to fine tune your YouTube marketing strategy. Right off the bat, there is no secret it really depends on personal preference but let’s see ways in which you can produce engaging video content. Luckily for you, I’ve already compiled a list of engaging types of video content that will help make your business shine.

Focus on your YouTube channel

Organize your channel

Maintaining a proper YouTube channel will go along way in keeping your YouTube marketing campaign relevant and engaging. Approach your channel with the same, if not more attention to detail that you would with your official website.

Outfit your YouTube channel with your business logo everywhere you can, you’re representing yourself here and there’s no reason you shouldn’t flaunt that. Don’t forget to get creative with the descriptions in your “About” section. This is a chance to introduce yourself to the YouTube world. Refrain from writing novel. Keep it nice and short but precise. Why are you in the market? Answer as many “Why’s” as possible. Don’t forget to add a call to action.

Get to it! Organize your channel!

Businesses often disregard YouTube playlists. And that’s a shame because they serve a crucial role. Essentially, playlists allow you to sort different video content types into lists. Create custom playlists to organize your webinars, testimonials, demos into individual lists. This will make your videos fare more accessible and easy to reach, don’t create a mess.

Be active, everywhere

If you aren’t going to be consistent, you might as well not even put in the effort. The truth is, YouTube is an incredible platform to spread awareness about your brand, and if you’re not staying on top of that, you’re not taking your marketing campaigns serious.

Update and post on your YouTube channel often. This way, you’ll keep your audience coming back and staying updated with all of your improvements. additions and so on. This doesn’t mean that you should be posting videos everyday, just to get that check mark, it means you should consider forming video series that will keep your audience coming back for more.

92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others.

Source: Virtuets

Additionally, don’t forget that the interaction on YouTube goes both ways. What I mean by that is, why not take part in YouTube’s online community? Follow relevant accounts that you could contribute to. Make sure comment, like, and share videos that could benefit your brand. YouTube is a great place to meet people, build a new audience, and keep your existing customers satisfied.

YouTube Ads

Don’t forget to advertise on YouTube. You know which ads I’m talking about. The one’s we come across when we’re not using an adblocker. I know, they’re annoying, but they’re also what gets the word out. It doesn’t mean you should be making over the top ads for every instance of your business. Stick to boosting important video campaigns.

Combining video with full-page ads boosts engagement by 22 %

Source: Smallbiztrends

And this isn’t just your run of the mill advertising deal. YouTube offers extensive targeting capabilities which means you’ll be able to reach the exact audience that you want.

Video tools to help

The thing is, most businesses out there seem to give off this idea that they can’t compete with the big dogs. It means they’re emphasizing the fact that video production is time-consuming and expensive. It really doesn’t have to be if you look hard enough. But since you’re already here, I’ve got something for you to test out.

Videommerce is an all-in-one video editor that…well it helps your business grow. How? It gives you the tools to create stunning and professional looking videos in minutes. The best part is, you don’t have to stick to the hundred of templates that are already provided for you ( to help you move along) , you can upload your videos and edit to your needs!

It’s completely free to start. We believe everyone should have a decent shot at a magnificent video marketing strategy. Any business. We know how hard it is to start out and well, this is just something to get the ball rolling for you. Try it out!

Bringing it all together

In conclusion , don’t neglect YouTube. If you’re struggling with your video marketing strategy, apply the methods I’ve mentioned above to guide you in the right direction. This platform provides your audience with visual content that can showcase your brand in way you didn’t know possible and the best part is, all it takes is consistency and a creative mindset. Be smart, be precise, your campaigns should reflect that.

As a B2B marketer it is your duty to build a community that reflects the ideas of your brand. YouTube allows your business to reach new audiences if implemented accordingly.

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