Maciej Pliszka16 July 2019Blog
Customer Relationship Management, or as we call it “CRM”. An essential part of your business strategy when fully utilized. At its core, it’s designed to help you sky rocket your profitability and increase general customer loyalty. In this article, I’ll go over the fundamentals of CRM as a whole. Best of all, I’ll teach you about the remarkable benefits of combining video content with your ongoing CRM strategy.
What is it and how do I benefit?
It’s usually defined as software that brings together crucial information pertaining to your customers, internal organizations, future business prospects all in one place. When fine-tuned. CRM allows you to narrow down which action needs to be taken towards your clients and customers based on the data that the CRM is providing you with. Whether it’s sales or general customer service, various metrics can be set to help you attain maximum efficiency. To help you better understand what I mean by that, I’ll use the two markets above as examples.
Helps you store customer contacts, activities, and sales opportunities. Apart from that, you’re able to schedule tasks and prioritize leads worth pursuing. The general sorting done by CRM will help you make more effective sales moves, you’ll get right to the point. You’ll get a chance to see what your customers want, when they want it and how they prefer it. If adopted and used correctly, CRM will boost the performance of any sales team that applies these tactics.
Customer Service
There’s no doubt that today, customer experience should be considered a top priority if you want your business to be taken seriously. With CRM you’ll be able to listen to your customer’s needs thus creating personal relationships that will ensure loyalty down the line. Next up would be attentive customer support. CRM helps you sort all of your customer requests accordingly meaning nobody is left behind. Simply put, customers today just expect and demand a whole lot more attention, CRM has got you covered.
CRM will help you dish out creative and effective marketing campaigns. How? Focused targeting. You’ll be able to go through your contacts and pick out the most profitable customers. CRM contains valuable information on behavior and preferences, which you can turn into improved prospect awareness! Centralizing your actions is key to running a profitable marketing campaign.
Ok so where does video come in?
The key takeaway from all that I’ve written above is this. Making it personal counts. A close relationship with your customers and clients is key to a strong foundation. Personalization goes a long way and you can find out more in this article (https://videommerce.com/blog/how-does-personalization-affect-your-video-marketing-strategy-for-the-better/).
65% of consumers aged between 18 and 34 cite personalized support as their preferred form of retail personalization, compared to 10% who cite personalized advertising.
Source: Statista
Video personalization helps you reach out on a new level. There are hundreds of reasons as to why video is far more effective than text ( and a lot of those reasons are mentioned here: Using Video to Boost Your CTR!
But the biggest take away is that our brains simply pay attention and retain information at a far superior level than text. What this means is that videos create a personal bond between the person who is actively taking the time to watch the video. Don’t take my word for it, check this out :
So how do I get started?
Videommerce! To help you create quality personalized videos, we’ve got a program suited just for you. It shouldn’t take you hours to create a professional looking video. It also shouldn’t cost a fortune to get you started. It’s completely free to get started and you’ll be making your first video in minutes! I know, I know. This sounds like a shameless plug. But the truth is, video is taking over
Video is expected to make up 82% of internet traffic by 2021.
Source: (Cisco)
And to stay on top of your game, you’ll need the appropriate tools. From thousands of pre-recorded narration samples to adding your brands image, you can personalize it to your comfort.
Wow, it’s starting to make sense!
By fusing CRM with thoughtful and creative video content, you’ll be walking onto the battlefield with a tremendous weapon in hand. Don’t undervalue the importance of a personalized touch. We’re human beings after all and we want to be treated as such. A personal approach is an honest approach and the least that we can do as a company that expects our customers to come back, is to treat them like they want to be treated. Video content probably won’t save the world right now, but it’ll help you reach out in ways you didn’t think were possible. Get started!