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Lead Generation

Lead Generation and Video? YES

24 July 2019Blog

If you’re in marketing, you know the importance of lead generation. And if you know the importance of lead generation, you’re probably looking at new ways of attracting, converting and finally, retaining new customers. You’re in luck! In this article, I’ll not only cover the very basics of lead generation but also help you increase your lead generating through the use of video content. Sounds pretty cool right? Let’s go!

The Process

How does the lead generation process look like? Well, let’s go over it now to refresh your memory or if you’re new to this, pay attention!

It all starts with…


This can come in the form of email campaigns and even posting about your companies product on social media. Product videos for example are a great way to get your prospects excited about what you have to offer. Outward marketing deals with recognition through the use of ads. This leads to…


Building interest is an essential part of all of this. Newsletters are usually a great way to get the word out, but inviting people to attend your companies events could also do the trick. There’s a lot to work with so choose what’s right for your strategy plan.


Once you’ve created interest, you’ll probably monitor all of that you’re your favorite CRM tools. ( More on CRM here!). You’ll be able to systematically keep track of which campaigns attracted the most clicks, and who responded to your emails and newsletters. Once you’ve filtered out the leads worth pursuing, you’ve got the most important aspect to focus on…


Now that you’ve managed to convert your leads into actual customers, retaining them is a world within itself. Here’s your chance showcase why you’ve started your business in the first place. Thank your customers, give them an opportunity to share their opinion of your service. Educate them on your products. There’s a lot to work with once again..

And there you have it. The general process of lead generation, how’d you like it? Of course this is a simplified and TLDR version of it, but for the sake of this article, we’re going to move on to strategies to take your lead generation methods to new levels.

Let’s add video to spice this up

Above you witnessed what the lead generation process boils down to. Now what if I were to tell you that by applying video content into this process could potentially garner a higher success rate in lead generation? I wouldn’t be writing it if I didn’t have the facts to back it up!

A Facebook executive predicted that their platform will be all video and no text by 2021

Source: Quartz

It’s actually quite simple. More and more brands are adopting video as their main source of content, and soon even social media websites like Facebook, will be strictly video based.

Adding to that, this leads (no pun intended) to greater lead generation. The statistics below don’t lie.

Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year. 

Source: Aberdeen

And more qualified leads means higher probability of converting prospects into full fledged customers. That’s a pretty good trade off right?

Including video in an email leads to a whopping 200-300% increase in click-through rate.

Source: Forrester

For a more in-depth look at how your email marketing strategy can benefit greatly from video content, check out THIS article! You won’t regret it.

And you have tools for me to get started?

I wouldn’t be writing this article if I didn’t have something in mind. Videommerce is an all-in-one video editor to help you create professional looking videos in minutes. That means more time to focus on everything else that you’ve got going on with your business. Let the the editor do the heavy lifting for you. You’ve learned about how effective video content is when applying it to lead generation. This is your chance to take your strategy to a new level. Knowledge is power, make the best of it with Videommerce.

All this leads to…

Video content on its own helps generate more sales opportunities and tremendously contributes to your lead generation. Of course it’s not always going to be as simple as that. Quality content that’s relatable to your audience is essential. There are plenty of ways to shape your videos to maximize attraction, but that’ll be an article for another time. In the mean time, you’ve got the tools to help you get started.

I must admit, I’m pretty excited with what you’re going to do with this!

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