Turn every action into an interaction.

Creating highly engaging interactive videos doesn’t have to be time consuming nor do you need to be a professional designer to start integrating it within your business strategy. Keep your customers fully hooked with endless interactive possibilities.

Turn passive viewers into active ones

increase retention rates

Improve retention rates

Attention! It’s become a lot shorter these days that’s why it’s crucial you keep your audience’s attention. Now retaining that information is an art of its own. Naturally, interactive video helps increase the chances that they will remember what they just saw and experienced.

create highly engaging video content

Highly Engaging Content

Keep your audience watching with a purpose. Interactive videos keep the 3 learning types fully engaged at all times. Whether it’s the pathways you’re using to educate your audience or the buttons to get them to the checkout page quicker, keeping your customers engaged couldn’t be easier.

grab attention fast

Memorable experiences

That’s because an interactive experience is a fun one. Allowing your creativity to soar to new heights, allowing your viewers to turn every action into an interaction is simply fun, and they won’t forget it.

Keep your viewers engaged throughout the whole of your content

Step 1. Just get started

Choose a video or upload your own and make it engaging. Buttons, hotspots, text, turn it all into an interactive journey.

Step 2. No video? No problem, use an image!

Turn anything and everything into an interactive experience. Use your company logo to keep your brand identity fresh throughout your content.

Step 3. A/b test immediately

Duplicate your videos, edit to your liking and a/b test your masterpieces to see what works best! It couldn’t be easier, really.

Let the customers choose their path and lower your bounce rate

Interactivity paves the way

to converting viewers into paying customers. There’s always a call to action that isn’t forced, and simply part of the interactive journey that you’ve created for your viewers.

Wide range of tools

in front of you to take all of your content to the next level. No need to delete your old content, here’s a chance to refine it to the latest digital trends and customer’s wants and needs.

Endless Interactive Possibilities

A modern and effective way to convert users and keep them engaged in all aspects of your brand. Turn your content into clickable masterpieces.