How to share your videos

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You want your videos out in the world right? Start sharing your videos immediately!

While you’re exploring your “My movies” section, glance on over to the right side menu that you’ve already familiarized yourself with.

  1. Click on the “share” button
  2. You’ll be met with a new window inviting you to share your videos in all sorts of ways
  3. If you simply want to share the link, in the “Download & Share” section, hit “copy link ” and paste it to whoever you want to share it with
  4. If you’re looking to embed onto a landing page,blog etc just copy the iframe code and paste it.
  5. Applying to your facebook messenger or other apps? Choose from the drop down menu and then once again hit the ” copy link ” button to gather the appropriate code.
  6. Mailchimp, Hubspot user? Use the “Attract via Personalized video emailing” section. Copy the link and you’re good to go!

At the top of the window you’ll see two things you can tick on or off. “Autoplay” and “Muted“. Depending on what you choose, this will apply the desired effect on your embedded and personalized videos when you copy the link of your choosing.

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