Grab attention with video chapters

Make your content more user friendly with video chapters. Break up your content into sections and make it easier for viewers to engage with your video content.

Grow your business with video chapters

educate your audience with video

Educate without barriers

Onboard your newest employees using chapters to get them to attain as much information as possible, fast.

grab attention fast

Grab attention

Your content speaks for itself, and so does a chapters menu. Give your viewers a rundown of what to expect to keep them around longer.

increase retention rates

Search engine ranking

Did you know that videos with chapters are ranked higher in search engines than ones without?

Start adding video chapters to all of your content now

Step 1. Use the videos you already have

Add a chapters menu to the videos you already have, just upload and get going!

Step 2. Share your videos

Share your videos, through email, social media and everywhere else, start grabbing attention!

Step 3. Analyze clickstreams

Check to see which chapters got the most attention and why, restrategize your content for the future.

What else are video chapters great for?

Demos and presentations

If you’re at a meeting and presenting your next idea, use the chapters menu to navigate easily.

Product features

If you’ve got a new product out and are excited to share all the features, use a chapters menu to make it easy to see.

Top offers

Use a chapter menu to segment different travel offers or product services based on pricing or anything else you want.