Use your face to build trust and increase sales.

It’s that straightforward. If you want to grab attention immediately and draw people to your videos, use faces! Record yourself and start attracting, engaging and retaining customers everywhere.

Put a face to the brand

build trust with authenticity through video


Build personal connections with your audience by implementing your face when needed. Record a “ thank you “ message to your latest registered members, or follow up with a possible lead and remind them of the benefits of using your services or products.

Be there for your customers 24/7

Elicit emotion

Our brains naturally scan faces the second they see them for emotional cues. This can be used in your videos. Whether you’re onboarding new employees or showcasing your hottest products, associating your brand with a positive and joyful energy will go a long way.

grab attention fast


Too often brands treat their customers like numbers. When dealing with customers in general, most notably customer support, a human face can do wonders to help keep the atmosphere moving along in a positive manner. Bring out the personality not just in you, but you brand and humanize it.

Follow up with video and make a powerful impression

Step 1. Hook up your webcam and go!

Just plug it in, and hit that record button. Record your video and it’s ready to use. Now that you’ve got your video, it’s time to make it shine.

Step 2. Make it interactive!

Should you need it, why not make your video interactive? Ask your customers to find out more about what you’ve just talked about, or maybe send them to a page or video they’ve been interested in.

Step 3. Embed it or send it

If you’re following up on a sale, just send your video whenever you’re ready. Remember that you can also embed your video on a website or landing page should you need to use it to promote your latest product or service in that way.

Close deals quickly by using Record Yourself

Impressive follow ups

You’ve just had a demo with a possible client, great. Now send a follow up (using your gorgeous face of course) to clear up some things that you took notes of during the presentation.

Build team chemistry

by sending your team a nice little video wrapping up the latest projections or progress you’ve all been making together. They want to see your face!

Retain customers

and send a holiday greeting. Your loyal customers will appreciate it and your newest ones will be pleasantly surprised.